Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Hands are for Clapping

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*For students that tend to suck in when they're trying to blow,
the mixture is replaced with milk

Hands are for Clapping

We start the activity with this song:

We talk about things are hands are great for (helping, saying 'hi', getting stuff done, playing etc.) and what things we shouldn't use our hands for (pushing, hitting, etc.). We then play a rhyme game where we chant the following lyrics: 

Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap them just like me.
1, 2, 3, 4
Then place them
on your knees.

The students take turns picking what else we can do with our hands during the chant. Ideas include:
Wave, tap, squeeze, pat, touch, flap, swing, shake, snap

Depending on the time, we will sing the "Hands are for Clapping" song one more time.

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