Thursday, February 7, 2013

January's Reading & Music Activity

Snow Man, Snow Man,
What Do You See?

Adapted from Bill Martin Jr.'s book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Created and Illustrated by Ange Bendixsen

Sing A-long to the same tune as "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, 
What Do You See?"
Found on youtube and iTunes

Reading & Music Activity

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Written by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault,
Illustrated by Lois Elhert, Aladdin Paperbacks, New York 2000:


A told B and B told C, “I’ll meet you at the top of the coconut tree”
“Whee” said D to E, F, G, “I’ll meet you at the top of the coconut tree”
Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom, Will there be enough room?
Here comes H up the coconut tree and I and K and tag-along K
All on their way up the coconut tree.
Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom, Will there be enough room?
Look who’s coming, it’s L, M, N, O, P
Q, R, S and T, U, V, Still more W, X, Y, Z all on their way up the…
Oh No! Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom!
Skit, skat skoodle-doot flip, flop flee,
Everybody’s running to the coconut tree
Mamas and Papas and Uncles and Aunts,
Hug their little dears and dust their pants
“Help us up” cried A, B, C. Next from the pile-up is skin-knee D
Stubbed-toed E and patched up F, then comes G all out of breath
H is tangled up with I, J and K are about to cry
L is knotted like a tie
M is looped, N is stoped, O is twisted olley-op
Skit, skat skoodle-doot flip, flop flee, look who’s coming, it’s black-eyed P
Q, R, S and loosed-toothed T, U, V, W, wiggle, jiggle free
Last to come, X, Y, Z and the sun goes down on the coconut tree
Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom, look, there’s a full moon!
A is out of bed and this what he said “Skit, skat skoodle-doot flip, flop flee, I’ll beat you at the top of the coconut tree”
Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom!

Developmental Focus: Letter Names, alphabet sequence

Activities: Signing letters, differentiating between upper and lowercase letters. Creating your own ‘coconut tree’ and placing the letters on it.

Reading & Music Activity

ABC Song
Written by Barbara Milne, Illustrated by Terri Mitchell
Sounds Like Learning CD, 2010


Do you know these letters sounds, do you know these letter sounds?
They will help you learn to read, they will help you learn to read.

Apple, Apple a a A (each of these lines are repeated twice)

Baby, Baby b b B
Cookie, Cookie c c C
Dolly, Dolly d d D
Elbow, Elbow e e E
Flower, flower f f F
Garden, Garden, g g G
Hammer, Hammer h h H
Igloo, Igloo i i I
Jelly, Jelly j j J
Kitten, Kitten, k k K
Lion, Lion, l l L
Monkey, Monkey m m M
Necklace, Necklace, n n N
Ostrich, Ostrich o o O
Pumpkin, Pumpkin p p P
Quarter, Quarter, q q Q
Rabbit, Rabbit r r R
Scissors, Scissors s s S
Tiger, Tiger t t T
Undershirt, Undershirt u u U
Vacuum, Vacuum v v V
Window, window, w w W
X-ray, X-ray x x X
Yo-yo, Yo-yo y y Y
Zebra, Zebra z z Z

Developmental Focus: Letter Names and Sounds

Activities: Sign letters and words for each verse, have child go through and name each letter on each page. Create a book with pictures of familiar objects the child (e.g. Mommy, Mommy m m M, Jayden, Jayden j j J).

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Updates on Autism Research

I heard this on my way to work the other morning and found it very interesting. NPR is a very reliable source and so it was great to hear current, valid research. One thing discussed is that research on brain tissue has shown an overgrowth of cells in a specific part of the brain ("67 percent more brain cells in that frontal region of the brain") that is caused by a genetic abnormality ("children with autism had abnormalities in the genes controlling the number of cells in the prefrontal cortex"). A good read (or listen) if you have the chance.

For full article on the NPR website, visit:

Link: NPR, Shortage Of Brain Tissue Hinders Autism Research

Autism Research: Cerebral Folate Receptor Autoantibodies in Autism Spectrum Disorder

A parent referred this article to us. It's something their child has been diagnosed with and from what we've seen, there has been positive progress because of the treatment recommended by their doctor.

Link: Autism Research: Cerebral Folate Receptor Autoantibodies in Autism Spectrum Disorder